Ezra Taft Benson Society Action Alert!

Ezra Taft Benson Society Action Alert!

The objective of the Ezra Taft Benson Society is to promote an understanding of our civic responsibilities, the principles of liberty, and good government – in light of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.

In helping more people understand the principles of liberty in that light, we have witnessed that people are much stronger in their convictions. That is because, as President Boyd K. Packer said in the General Conference of April 2004, “The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.”

One of the best books (outside of the standard works) to help us in our study of the doctrine of liberty and good government is, “Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen”, by H. Verlan Andersen.

H. Verlan Andersen was the first General Authority called by President Benson after he became President of the Church, was a life long advocate of liberty, and always promoted it in light of the restored Gospel.

Ezra Taft Benson urged all members of the Church to read this important book in the General Conference of April 1972 when he said, “Fortunately we have materials to help us face these threatening dangers in the writings of President David O. McKay and other church leaders. Some other fine sources by LDS authors attempting to awaken and inform us of our duty are: Prophets, Principles, and National Survival (Jerreld L. Newquist), Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen (H. Verlan Andersen), and The Elders of Israel and the Constitution (Jerome Horowitz).”

In some “test markets” we had some individuals give copies of this important work to their ward and stake leadership with a cover letter giving an explanation of the book and why they thought it was important to bring to their attention. This had a major impact!  The feedback ranged from reports of changing of individual behavior in support of the principles of liberty to an increase of teaching of the topic of liberty in ward and stake meetings.  In all cases, the book was received with gratitude and an increase of understanding an appreciation for these principles.

We would like to encourage everyone to participate in this program.

To help accomplish this, we would like to offer the book to you at a 33% discount off of the cover price, making it only $5 per copy.  Additionally, we have included a sample cover letter that you can adapt and include with your book when you give it to your Elders Quorum president/High Priest group leader, your bishopric and your stake presidency, which means you will need a total of 9 copies, or 10 if you don’t already have one for yourself.

After you deliver your copies to your ward and stake leadership, we would love to hear back from you any experiences that you had. Send us an email with that feedback to [email protected]

You can order your discounted copy of “Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen” here http://www.latterdayconservative.com/store/all/latest-products/many-are-called-but-few-are-chosen/ Please be sure to note that you are ordering for this project.

If you would like to help us get more copies of this book out beyond your own ward and stake, please consider donating to The Ezra Taft Benson Society. You can donate here: https://ezrataftbensonsociety.org/donate/

Thanks for all you do for liberty.

Your team at,

The Ezra Taft Benson Society


Dear President/Bishop/Brother ___________________,

I would like to present to you this copy of Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen, which was recommended that all members of the Church read in the General Conference of April 1972.

It covers the principles of Doctrine and Covenants section 121 and how it applies to our public and personal, as well as religious lives, and has made a huge impact on me.

I hope that you will take the time to read this important book; I know you will be glad you did.

Thank you for your service to our ward/stake in the work of the Lord.


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